Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Character Development

Many people helped to develop Artemis to become the goddess many of us know still to this day. Three characters that helped the huntress to grow the most would have to be Leto, Apollo and Zues.

Leto, Artemis's mother, was a favorite lover of Zues. She became pregnant with his children and was carrying the twins while Zues and his wife, Hera, were married. Hera chased Leto away with a serpent and made it almost impossible for her to give birth. When Leto did finally finding a resting place, she gave birth to Artemis who was very attached to her mother. The goddess helped her own mother through 9 days of labor before Apollo was born.

Apollo was Artemis's twin brother. The two were close and fiercely protective of their mother though Apollo often got jealous of others who were close with his sister. He even tricked her into killing Orion who was one of Artemis's best companions.

Zues was Artemis's loving father. He took an early liking to the huntress and gave her anything she wanted for her third birthday. He tried to protect the twins from Hera's hate but his wife was a very jealous goddess.

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