Wednesday, February 12, 2014


When Artemis was only three years old, her father promised her anything she wanted for her birthday. One of the gifts she received was all the mountains in the world where she spent her time. The stories usually don't say any specific locations but the idea of the setting is clear, Artemis liked to be in the trees. She loved being secluded, able to be alone or in company of Orion or many of her nymphs.

Pine needles crunch beneath the huntresses feet. Her companion, Orion, keeps up with his equally stealthy pace. The air, oh the air smells like freedom. A mix of rain and the distinct scent of pine trees. The echo of a brook is heard, the distant water is no doubt clear as glass. Artemis can taste the thrill of her hunt on the tip of her tongue, racing between the trees. No one was to know that soon, her twin Apollo would trick her into killing her very own best friend.

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