Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What I've Learned

Molly was Odin and she taught me that he was always craving to gain more wisdom. He would do anything to learn, even hang from a tree for nine days. He also gave up his eye for knowledge.
Hannah was Balder and she taught me that Balder died from mistletoe but he was loved by many. Balder was murdered by Loki who tricked a blind god into throwing the plant. 
Freya, the lovely Freya was Rylee. She taught me about her necklace and that she'd gotten it from a few dwarves. She told us how her husband went missing and then later was found but killed by the other gods. 
Emma was Frigg and she told a sad story about her son, Balder. She did everything to keep him safe except to ask the mistletoe to leave him be. She made an awful mistake in telling an old woman about the plant. 
Guanyin was Lia and she taught me about the rice and why it's white. She helped the farmers and always heard peoples cries for help. 
Carly was Hermes and he was the son of Maia and Zues. He was also the god of messengers and once stole my brother's cows! 
Brynn was the wonderful Isis and she taught me that she was Ra's granddaughter. She also found out his secret name and poisoned Ra with snake venom. 
Loki, the trickster, was Emily. I learned that Loki was a murderer and that he was very clever. I also learn that he could turn into a fish. 
Jazlyn was Osiris and he was killed by his brother. He was also cut into pieces and then revived. 
Lindsey was Ra and he is the sun god, the kind of all gods. He gave up his secret name to his granddaughter 
Erin was Set, the god of chaos. He was also brother to Isis and Nyphthys  
Claire was Thor and he had a hammer that was all powerful. Thor once dressed like a bride and got married to get his precious hammer back!

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