Sunday, February 16, 2014

Last Post

I am Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, the moon and all the wild creatures of this world and I have a story to tell. It is a tragic tale of a girl and a boy, separated by promises, kept apart by fate. It is the story of my beloved Orion's death.

He and I were close from our many daytime hunts and night time campfires. It was at one of our fires that we fell asleep alongside one another after telling many of our life's experiences and stories.Upon morning Apollo, happened across our sleeping figures and became enraged. He, of all people, thought I'd given up my pledge to chastity. Once we'd awoken, my twin pretended to not have seen us sleeping. He greeted us and I left to attend to my many nymphs, leaving Orion and Apollo alone.

Apollo and Orion grew close in that day, my brother had forgotten about his anger from earlier. When Orion brought up my name, Apollo remembered his rage. As Orion realized what the sun god was mad about, he immediately told Apollo he would never jeopardize my promise of staying chaste.

Apollo was obdurate, couldn't admit that he was wrong. He sent Orion home and tormented him with dreams of awful scorpions. When Orion awoke the next day, the scorpion was at his door. To escape, my friend jumped into the water and swam. Apollo came rushing to me, saying that the man swimming in the water had attacked one of my nymphs. Rage took over and I put an arrow through the head of my very best friend. Upon seeing him, lifeless, I lost it. I tried everything to revive him but he was too far gone, my Orion was dead. I put him in the stars, to remember him and remember my mistake. I also put the scorpion that caused him to run in the sky to remind my brother of his misdeed.


  1. I like your summery. Its a shame that Artemis killed her friend.

  2. This was a very tragic tale, and I believe you captured the emotion very well. I also really liked your choice of words!

  3. I wish I had seen your presentation! I like this myth, even though it was kinda sad. But it had a good story and explained the the Orion constellation.
